Find your own way with

Dance for Balance

Sign up for the introductory course that starts in September!

at the chapel of the GZC+
address: Jan Smitzlaan 7, Eindhoven

language: if not everyone speaks Dutch,
the classes will be given in English

advance registration is mandatory


In daily life, you are confronted with a constant bombardment of (digital) stimuli, choice stress, and performance pressure. Often, you don't have the space to pause and reflect on yourself. With Dance for Balance, you step out of the feeling of hurriedness and the pressure to constantly prove yourself for one evening a week. You can let go of everything that has happened and everything that still needs to happen in order to reconnect with yourself.


Find a balance between effort and relaxation

In the classes, you'll experience relaxed, intense, and meditative dancing. Through practice, you'll learn how to best channel your energy into movement and how to distribute it across the various stages of the class. With each dance assignment, attention is also given to 'self-regulation': paying attention to the signals your body provides and adjusting the level of your effort accordingly. This translates to your everyday life beyond the dance floor.


Improve your physical and mental health

During each session, you will receive a series of tasks to move to the music (dance), both individually and with others. The whole process constitutes a fitness training, with the level of intensity determined by your effort. Additionally, you will learn to navigate your own course on the dance floor while also harmonizing with others. You become attuned to your personal preferences and limits, and you learn to act accordingly. Furthermore, you practice communicating these clearly (non-verbally) with others. This is a powerful and effective form of (self)coaching.


Increase your joy in life

The combination of music and movement provides a boost of feel-good hormones. These hormones lead to stress reduction and suppress anxiety that holds you back. The dance assignments coax you out of your shell and encourage freer movement. Your body language becomes more expressive, and you become more willing to reveal yourself. Your self-confidence grows, along with your joy and trust in life!

Dance for Balance ervaringen

  • Marian van de Veeken

    "The sense of connection with the group is unique, and you achieve it through dancing, enjoying together, observing, feeling, all without a single spoken word!"

  • Daniel Bergshoeff

    "It's interesting to not speak for so long, which encourages you to express yourself more through movement. Since you can't share your thoughts, it's easier to let them go."

  • Tanja vd Z

    “The dance itself is open to personal interpretation, which can sometimes feel a bit strange. But I've noticed that I discover more about myself when I push through that barrier. Through the classes, I've become more confident about myself.”

Let me introduce myself…


Trust, in yourself and in others. That's what it's all about for me!

My name is Rivka Bergshoeff. Thanks to dancing, I rediscovered joy, energy, and a renewed zest for life after a few difficult years. I would love to help others achieve this as well!

Sign up for a non-binding advisory conversation or a course.

Or just ask me a question!

Frequently Asked Questions


I can't dance. Can I still participate?

Absolutely, dance experience or skills are not necessary. If you enjoy dancing, that's a bonus, but even if you're hesitant about showing yourself on the dance floor, it's an excellent method to overcome your inhibitions. The regular group provides a safe environment in which you'll progressively become more comfortable.

Is the advisory conversation completely non-binding?

Yes. The conversation of approximately three-quarters of an hour is entirely free and doesn't commit you to anything.

Who is Dance for Balance intended for?

Dance for Balance offers an Introduction Course, a Basic Training, and an Ongoing Training for adults (18 and older). Dance skills or experience are not necessary.

What is Dance for Balance?

At Dance for Balance, we utilize the Biodanza method. Biodanza is a method aimed at promoting health, both physically and mentally. The prefix 'Bio' comes from 'bios', which means 'life'. 'Danza' can be understood as 'meaningful movement' or a dance. The term 'Biodanza' translates to 'Dance of Life'.

Its founder was Rolando Toro Araneda, a pedagogue, psychologist, and artist born in Chile. While working with psychiatric patients, he began exploring in 1968 how music and movement influence emotional states. It became evident that a good balance between activation and relaxation, as well as affectionate interactions, were crucial. Through years of experimentation, observation, and refinement with diverse groups, he developed the Biodanza© method.

Rolando Toro was also active in Argentina, Brazil, and Italy. By now, Biodanza has been introduced in more than 50 countries, primarily in South America and Europe, but also in South Africa, Israel, and Japan.

Is Dance for Balance comparable to mindfulness, yoga, or body-oriented practices?

There are similarities, but Dance for Balance is still quite distinct. It also emphasizes being 'in the moment', being present in the here and now, and not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Additionally, it's a physical practice where the emphasis is on initiating change through bodily awareness, rather than excessive talking and thinking. What makes the physical experience in Dance for Balance unique is the use of music and interaction with others to amplify your emotions. This distinctive approach makes its impact particularly potent and thus highly effective.

Can I come and observe?

The method is based on bodily awareness, and what you feel through that experience becomes apparent when you participate. However, you don't have to actively engage in everything; occasionally, you can sit on the side and observe. Feel free to sign up for a personal (completely free and non-binding) advisory conversation, and we can discuss it further.

Can I participate once to try out?

Absolutely, that's what the first class of the course (trial lesson) is for. However, it's recommended to complete the entire introduction course to fully experience what Dance for Balance can offer you.

What if I'm not enjoying it after the first few classes?

Not always, but often, it takes some time to get accustomed to the suggested approach. In fact, if it triggers a lot of resistance in you, it might be particularly beneficial! Give yourself the chance to complete the introduction course. If desired, you can pay on a per-lesson basis.

What if I find one (or more) of the dance assignments challenging?

This isn't a problem. During the session, you're free to decide not to participate in specific dance assignments. You can sit out for a while. Perhaps you'll stay there, or maybe you'll decide to join in the dancing later on. Conversely, if you start dancing and find it uncomfortable, you can always choose to sit on the side, even halfway through the dance.

What kind of clothing/footwear should I wear?

Wear comfortably fitting clothes in which you feel at ease and can move freely. You can dance barefoot or, alternatively, wear light dance shoes or sneakers.

Do I need to bring anything with me?

It's a good idea to have a water bottle with you. If it's warm and/or you tend to sweat easily, bringing a towel is advisable.

How can I make the payment?

The lesson fee should be paid before the start of the course. Transfer the amount to bank account NL12 INGB 0670 7935 07 in the name of R. Bergshoeff, mentioning 'Trial Lesson' or 'Introduction Course'.